Oak Hills Membership Rates

Memberships passes will be available for purchase at Kings Highway Tennis Club in Darien from April 1st through May 8th!
After May 12th the pass must be purchased at the Oak Hills Tennis Shop.

Residents and non-residents of Norwalk are welcome to play at Oak Hills.

Oak Hills Tennis Membership Rates

Pass Holders have free open-court time all season.

  • Non-Pass Holders may book courts two day in advance at the rate of $15 per person/per hour.

  • Pass-Holders may book courts up to one week in advance at the below rates.

Norwalk Residents:Open Court Access:Price:
AdultOak Hills$165
Senior (65+)Oak Hills$125
JuniorOak Hills$125
Family (4+)Oak Hills$350
Non-Norwalk Residents:Open Court Access:Price:
Adult Oak Hills$275
Senior (65+)Oak Hills$275
JuniorOak Hills$275
Family (4+)Oak Hills$450


  • You will receive a membership card that must be presented at the time of the reservation.

  • Bookings are based on hours of operation and court availability.

  • 24-hour cancellation policy.

  • Maximum 1 reservation per person per day.